How to Link Your ID Card for Printing
The first time you scan your card at a Canon printer on campus, you may receive an "Unknown Card" error. You'll need to log in to the printer with your Bay Path account to associate it with your ID card.
Once you associate your card by following these steps, you shouldn't need to complete this process again unless you are issued a new ID card.
Scan your Bay Path ID card at a Canon printer
2. Tap the Username field to bring up the keyboard
3., Enter your Username (Your email address without the "" part) and then tap OK
4. Tap the password field and then enter your password. Special characters are accessible by pressing the shift key.
5. Once your username and password and entered, tap the green Log in button.
6. Your card should now be set up! Now when you swipe your card, you'll be logged in.
If you have any trouble with this process, or if you have a new card and aren't able to associate it, please create a support ticket or give the IT Help Desk a call at 413-565-1487.