Data Classification
All data covered by this policy will be classified into one of three categories outlined below, based on the level of security required for each, starting with the highest level.
Confidential data refers to any data where unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure of this data could present a significant level of risk to the University or the community. Confidential data should be treated with the highest level of security to ensure the privacy of that data and prevent any unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure.
Confidential data includes data that is protected by the following federal or state laws or regulations: 201 CMR 17.00 (Mass Security Regs), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Information protected by these laws includes, but is not limited to, PI, and Protected Health Information (PHI).
Restricted data refers to all other personal and institutional data where the loss of such data could harm an individual’s right to privacy or negatively impact the finances, operations or reputation of Bay Path University. Any non-public data that is not explicitly designated as confidential should be treated as restricted data.
Restricted data includes data protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), referred to as student education records. This data also includes, but is not limited to, donor information, research data on human subjects, intellectual property (proprietary research, patents, etc.), University financial and investment records, employee salary information, or information related to legal or disciplinary matters.
Restricted data should be limited to access by individuals who are employed by or matriculate at the University and who have legitimate reasons for accessing such data, as governed by FERPA, or other applicable law or University policy. A reasonable level of security should be applied to this classification to ensure the privacy and integrity of this data.
Public data includes any information for which there is no restriction to its distribution, and where the loss or public use of such data would not present any harm to the University or members of the community. Any data that is not classified as Confidential or Restricted should be considered public data.
Information Security Committee
Bay Path University will establish an Information Security Committee to oversee the implementation and maintenance of the WISP. Membership on the Information Security Committee will be for a duration of at least 2 years but not to exceed 3 years, with exception of the University's Information Security personnel. The Information Security Committee will consist of representatives from key departments throughout the University including, but not limited to, Information Technology Services, Human Resources, Finance and Administration, Admissions, Campus Public Safety and Academic Affairs.
The Information Security Committee will be responsible for:
- Performing an annual review of the WISP to account for any newly identified risks to paper or electronic records containing qualifying personal information as defined by MA 201 CMR 17.00.
- Evaluating the ability of all 3rd party vendors and service providers working under contract with Bay Path University to comply with MA 201 CMR 17.00. Bay Path University will require all providers, when applicable, to include a written statement verifying that they are in full compliance with MA 201 CMR 17.00. Bay Path University will notify all vendors of the University's intent to review all existing contracts to determine which vendors will be required to submit written verification of their compliance with MA 201 CMR 17.00.
- Assist departments employing work-study students with potential access to personal information records in developing a training program for this population. All work-study students will be required to review and sign the University policy regarding confidentiality and proprietary information prior to working on campus. All work-study supervisors will be required to review and collect the Work-Study Responsibilities and Procedures form from their student workers prior to the student working for their department.
All data at the University is assigned a data owner according to the constituency it represents. Data owners are responsible for approval of all requests for access to such data. The data owners for each constituency group are designated as follows:
Faculty data - The Provost (or their designee) serves as the data owner
Staff data - The Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services (or their designee) serves as data owner
Student data - Ownership is distributed across many departments. A Bay Path University policy regarding student data ownership is currently being developed. The Information Security Director will act as data steward for student data in the interim.
Information Technology Services (ITS) staff serve as the data steward for all data stored centrally on the University’s servers and information systems, and are responsible for the security of such data. For distributed data stored on servers not under the purview of ITS, the department head or their designee serves as the data steward, and ITS and the department share joint responsibility for securing the data.
Human Resources will inform ITS staff about an employee’s change of status or termination as soon as is practicable but before an employee’s departure date from the University. Changes in status may include terminations, leaves of absence, significant changes in position responsibilities, transfer to another department, or any other change that might affect an employee’s access to University data. ITS staff will terminate all of the employee’s account access upon the employee’s termination date from the University, as specified by Human Resources.
Department heads will alert ITS at the conclusion of a contract for individuals that are not considered University employees in order to terminate access to their University accounts. The University Information Security Director (ISD), is in charge of maintaining, updating, and implementing this Program. All members of the community are responsible for maintaining the privacy and integrity of all sensitive data as defined above, and must protect the data from unauthorized use, access, disclosure or alteration. All members of the community are required to access, store and maintain records containing sensitive data in compliance with this Program.
Identification and Assessment of Risks to University Information
Bay Path University recognizes that it has both internal and external risks to the privacy and integrity of University information. These risks include, but are not limited to:
- Unauthorized access of confidential or restricted data
- Compromised system security as a result of system access by unauthorized person(s)
- Interception of data during transmission
- Loss of data integrity
- Physical loss of data in a disaster
- Errors introduced into the system
- Corruption of data or systems
- Unauthorized transfer of confidential or restricted data through third parties
Bay Path University recognizes that this may not be a complete list of the risks associated with the protection of sensitive data. Since technology is ever changing, new risks are created regularly. Accordingly, ITS will actively participate and monitor advisory groups such as the Educause Security Institute, REN-ISAC and SANS for identification of new risks. Bay Path University believes the University’s current safeguards are reasonable and are sufficient to provide security and confidentiality to sensitive data maintained by the University. Additionally, these safeguards protect against currently anticipated threats or hazards to the integrity of such information.
Safeguarding Sensitive Data
To protect sensitive data, the following policies and procedures have been developed that relate to protection, access, storage, transportation, and destruction of records, computer system safeguards, and training.
- Only those employees or authorized third parties requiring access to sensitive data in the regular course of their duties are granted access to sensitive data, including both physical and electronic records.
- Computer and network access passwords are disabled upon termination of employment or relationship with Bay Path University.
- Upon termination of employment or relationship with Bay Path University, physical access to documents or other resources containing sensitive data is immediately prevented.
- Members of the community will not store sensitive data on laptops or on other mobile devices (e.g., flash drives, smart phones, external hard drives). In rare cases where it is necessary to transport sensitive data electronically, the mobile device containing the data must be encrypted.
- To the extent possible, making sure that all sensitive data is stored only on secure servers maintained by the University and not on local machines, insecure servers, or portable devices.
- Paper records containing sensitive data must be kept in locked files or other secured areas when not in use.
- Electronic records containing sensitive data must be stored on secure servers, and, when stored on authorized desktop computers, must be password protected.
- Massachusetts PI must not be stored on Google Docs or other types of “Cloud” services.
Removing Records from Campus
- Members of the community are strongly discouraged from removing records containing sensitive data off campus. In rare cases where it is necessary to do so, the user must take all reasonable precautions to safeguard the data. Under no circumstances are documents, electronic devices, or digital media containing sensitive data to be left unattended in any insecure location.
- When there is a legitimate need to provide records containing sensitive data to a third party, electronic records shall be password-protected and/or encrypted, and paper records shall be marked with the appropriate classification and securely sealed.
Destruction of Confidential Data
- Paper and electronic records containing confidential data must be destroyed in a manner that prevents recovery of the data. Massachusetts General Law 93I specifies the manner in which records containing PI must be destroyed.
Third-Party Vendor Agreements Concerning Protection of Personal Information
Bay Path University exercises appropriate diligence in selecting service providers capable of maintaining appropriate security safeguards for PI provided by the University to them. The primary budget holder for each department is responsible for identifying those third parties providing services to the University that have access to PI. All relevant contracts with these third parties are reviewed and approved by the University's purchasing department to ensure the contracts contain the necessary language regarding safeguarding PI. It is the responsibility of the primary budget holders to confirm that the third parties are required to maintain appropriate security measures to protect PI consistent with the WISP and Massachusetts laws and regulations.
Computer System Safeguards
The Information Security Manager monitors and assesses information safeguards on an ongoing basis to determine when enhancements are required. The University has implemented the following to combat external risk and secure the University network and data containing PI:
- Secure user authentication protocols
- Unique passwords are required for all user accounts; each employee receives an individual user account.
- Service accounts are locked after multiple unsuccessful password attempts.
- Computer access passwords are disabled upon an employee’s termination.
- User passwords are stored in an encrypted format; root passwords are only accessible by system administrators and are stored in an encrypted format.
- Secure access control measures.
- Access to specific files or databases containing PI is limited to those employees who require such access in the normal course of their duties.
- Each such employee has been assigned a unique password, different from the employee’s password to the computer network, to obtain access to any file or database that contains PI needed by the employee in the course of his or her duties.
- Files containing PI transmitted outside of the University network are to be encrypted.
- The Information Security Manager performs regular internal network security audits to all server and computer system logs to discover to the extent reasonably feasible possible electronic security breaches, and to monitor the system for possible unauthorized access to or disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction, or other compromise of PI.
- All University-owned computers and servers are firewall protected and regularly monitored.
- Operating system patches and security updates are installed to all servers at least every 30 days.
- Antivirus and anti-malware software is installed and kept updated on all servers and workstations. Virus definition updates are installed on a regular basis, and the entire system is tested and checked at least once per month
Employee Training
All employees who access Confidential data via the firewall or who otherwise have access to PI are required to complete a yearly training on data security and their responsibilities related to this Program. The training is also strongly recommended for all employees. The Information Security Manager maintains records of all such training.
Reporting Attempted or Actual Breaches of Security
Any incident of possible or actual unauthorized access to or disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction, or other compromise of PI, or of a breach or attempted breach of the information safeguards adopted under this Program, must be reported immediately to the ISD.
The ISD is charged with the identification of all data security incidents where the loss, theft, unauthorized access, or other exposure of sensitive University data is suspected. The ISD reports any such incidents to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). When the ISD confirms an incident involving sensitive information, the ISD will alert the CIO. The CIO will contact the Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services who will inform Executive Staff. Executive Staff is responsible for determining appropriate actions in their response to the breach under the advisement of the CIO.
The ISD will document all breaches and subsequent responsive actions taken. All related documentation will be stored in the Finance Office.
Any employee or student who willfully accesses, discloses, misuses, alters, destroys, or otherwise compromises data classified as confidential or restricted without authorization, or who fails to comply with this Program in any other respect, will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination in the case of employees and expulsion in the case of students.
Policies cross-referenced
The following Bay Path University policies provide advice and guidance that relates to this program:
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Operations Manual
- FERPA Policy
- HIPAA Privacy Policy
- Password Guidelines
Effective date
This Written Information Security Program was implemented January 1, 2014 and last updated on January 1, 2016. The University will review this Program at least annually and reserves the right to change, modify, or otherwise alter this program at its sole discretion and at any time as it deems circumstances warrant.